A King’s Breakfast: Plum, Yoghurt, Muesli, Honey, Whiskey

Whether you’re planning a sprawling spread for The Coronation Big Lunch or a picnic at the park to celebrate King Charles III’s Coronation weekend, we’ve got the perfect pudding!
Inspired by the King’s specific breakfast requests and favourite tipple, head pastry chef, Hannah Robinson has created a unique dessert named ‘A King’s Breakfast’, to celebrate the special occasion.
Plum Gel
300g Mirabelle Plum Puree
3.5g agar agar
A small amount of yellow food colouring, should you wish to make it look a little more ‘yolky’
- Heat the puree in a small saucepan, with additional colour if needed.
- When warm, add the agar agar.
- Boil for 2 minutes to cook out the mixture.
- Pour into a tray and allow to set in the fridge.
- When set, blend until a smooth thick gel.
- Pass the gel though a sieve.
- Pipe into small half dome mould, ensuring the tops are flat.
- Freeze.
- Keep some gel aside for the plating process later, it will need to be in a piping bag.
Yoghurt Mousse
250g of Greek yoghurt
75g egg whites
150g of sugar
40g of water
250g double cream
Vanilla Bean
1 gelatine leaf, soaked in cold water
- To make the yoghurt mousse, start by whisking the egg whites until semi-whisked and foamy.
- Heat the water and sugar to 121°C in a small saucepan and slowly add this to the egg whites, beating together to form a glossy firm meringue.
- In a separate pan, warm 100g of the cream with the vanilla bean over a low heat.
- Add the bloomed gelatine into the cream and stir until dissolved.
- Pass the warmed gelatine cream into the yoghurt. Stir will to combine.
- Weigh out 125g of meringue mixture and gently fold this through the yoghurt and cream mix.
- Semi-whip the remaining cream and fold into the mixture, then pour /pipe the mousse into the egg moulds. Ensure the top of the eggs are level. Leave to semi set in the fridge for 15- 30 minutes (frozen ‘egg yolks’ need to be added so ensure the mix doesn’t set to firm before this happens’).
150g jumbo oats
25g oil
80g honey
15g pumpkin seeds
15g sunflower seeds
Sea salt to taste
- Heat the oil and honey.
- Fold through the oats.
- Bake in the oven at 175 degrees, moving occasionally, until golden brown.
- Add lightly toasted pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
- Add the sea salt.
Whiskey and Honey Ice Cream
400g whole milk
25g milk powder
50g double cream
Vanilla seed
100g whiskey
50g honey
150g caster
80g egg yolk
4g stab 2000
- Heat the cream, whiskey, milk, milk powder and honey.
- Beat the sugar, stab 2000 and egg yolk together.
- Add the heated cream into the yolk mixture.
- Add the combined mixture back into a clean saucepan.
- Cook over a low heat, consistently stirring until 82 degrees.
- Place the cooked mixture into a paco jet container and freeze, or ice cream machine and start the churning process.
Plum Compote
350g fresh plums
50g caster sugar
Squeeze of lemon
Squeeze of honey
- Cut the plums in half, remove the stone, cut flesh into small cubes.
- Add to a pan with the sugar.
- Add the honey and lemon.
- Cook till the sugar has dissolved and the plums have softened into a jammy consistency.
- Chill.
Take a brioche loaf, slice into long thin rectangles to make ‘soldiers’. Toast on a griddle pan to create a diamond pattern
Chocolate Shells
600g of white chocolate, roughly chopped
15g of milk chocolate, roughly chopped
Brown food colouring for speckles
- Melt together the white and milk chocolate.
- Temper the chocolate.
Time to build:
The egg
Please note this mousse is very light and delicate in consistency, so quick working with cold hands is advised!
- When the mousse is semi set in the egg mould, add one half sphere of frozen plum gel just above the middle of the egg.
- Put the half egg complete with yolks into the freezer to firm up.
- When the mixture is firm enough to handle, push two mousses together ensuring that the ‘plum yolks’ line up and good contact between the two has been made.
- Put the compete egg mousse back in the freezer and allow to firm up once again.
- When the egg is firm enough, cut the top of the egg off, reviling the yolk circle inside (just like you would do when eating a soft boiled egg).
- Return to the freezer until you are ready to dip, the cold outer layer is essential for the chocolate shell.
The dip
- Using a cocktail stick or skewer dip the egg into the tempered chocolate, ensure the egg is dipped to the edge of the cut egg, helping contain all the mousse inside. The top showing the yolk should still be exposed.
- Allow the chocolate to set around egg.
- Use a small paintbrush to flick brown speckles onto the egg to create a realist effect.
- Put the egg into the fridge and allow to defrost slowly.
To plate
- Add the ‘egg’ into the royal egg cup.
- Balance a brioche soldier on to the egg plate.
- Put Plum compote into a small serving dish.
- Place the muesli into the side dish.
- Roche the churned ice cream on top of the muesli streusel.